0121 454 7020 admin@bigbearmusic.com

Jazz Ramble

With Jazz Festival patron Digby Fairweather and Jazz Festival Director Jim Simpson

Join trumpet player, band leader and Festival Patron Digby Fairweather and Festival Director Jim Simpson for an hour or so on Sunday 26th July at 11am, as they chew the fat over the state of jazz today, look back at memorable moments over the last 35 years of the festival and generally put the world to rights.


In addition there’ll be the chance to ask the both of them questions and contribute your tuppence worth!


The discussion will take place over Zoom – if you don’t have it installed on your phone or computer, click here to download it and create a free account.


Come Sunday, click the first of the two buttons below to launch the meeting, and second to reveal the passcode that you will be required to enter.

Click here to reveal the meeting passcode

Or if you prefer simply to look and listen, their chat will also be streamed live and available to watch back afterwards on the Big Bear Music Youtube channel – click here to view.